INS Vikramaditya Video – INS Vikramaditya 360 VR Video


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INS Vikramaditya Video has just been released by an Indian Navy Official. Watching this video will make you feel like you are standing on a warship. You can see every part of it in the video sitting at home. More than a million people have watched this video. If you also want to sail this warship, don’t miss the video.

INS Vikramaditya Video

About INS Vikramaditya

The name of the ship INS Vikramaditya
Manufacturer Black Sea Shipyard, Mykolaiv
Operator Indian Navy
Weight 44,500 tons
Length 283.1 m overall
Height 60.0 m
Speed 59 km/h
Crew 1600

“Vikramaditya” is a Sanskrit word meaning “majestic like the sun“. Vikramaditya was inducted into the Indian Navy on November 16, 2013. INS Vikramaditya is a 44,500 tonne, 284 meters long, and 60-meter high warship. 1600 to 1800 soldiers will be deployed on this warship. On the waves of the sea, INS Vikramaditya can travel at a speed of about 59 km/h.

INS Vikramaditya Video

Did you want to see this warship after knowing so much information? If yes, you can watch the 360 VR video of this warship by clicking on the link below.

Watch INS Vikramaditya Video 360VR Tour

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